In My Father’s Arms
There is something peculiar about holding on to someone’s hands. Likewise, a hug or to be found in the arms of someone that means a lot to you is a feeling which is hard to express or utter into words. The feelings and emotions linger even when that hug or touch is over. The past is the past, so is the present or what might unfold in the future. That’s what we have been taught and may also teach others. In My Father’s Arms unfolds and looks at individuals’ perspectives of a father. It also unlocks the door of their past on those memories which they dearly cherished. Those memories are some of the building blocks for their current present, which might be unfolding while trying to navigate and adjust the foundation laid to present a lasting future. Remember that you are not alone, whatever your current circumstance may be, and whichever story may resonate with you when reading or listening to this book. May you be surrounded in this life’s journey by others who cherish not only your present story or your prospect future but also value your precious past.
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I Am a Christian
The author is a scientist and not a Bible scholar or teacher. His conversion from a churchgoing Christian to real Christian lasted years, if not decades. The transformation was completed in 1983 when he bought NIV Bible for £4.50. In the 1990s, he was impacted by many Christian TV channels that he regularly watched, in addition to regular Christian literature. On 7 October 1992, he started reading his Bible from cover to cover and cycle after cycle. The fruit of that transformation is his first book about the Christian faith. It is a book for everyone, Christians and the ones on the road to become Christian. In this book, he talks about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian. He highlights the core Hebrew Bible and Jesus Christ’s ministry. Many quotations about the Christian faith are given in addition to a large section of Christian dictionary to define every aspect related to a Christian person.
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God's Day of Salvation
“Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever’—therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.” From Genesis 3.
We were shut out of the garden of Eden; lost the right to the tree of life; were cursed to painful toil (men); were cursed to painful childbearing (women); and became innately disobedient to the God who created us.
The problem is serious, but the solution is wonderful. It centres on the person Jesus Christ, who will as the Bible describes redeem us from our fallen state and restore our right to the tree of life – and to eternal life. This book unpacks what the Old and New Testaments say about God’s day of salvation.
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Culture: The Great Escape
Humanity has long sought to answer the big questions, like who are we and where are we going? It is possible that some of these questions are actually too big to be tackled by the rational mind. Religions claim to have the answer, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to believe in them. If you don’t believe in religious answers, you have a rather more complex answer to the problems of existence. Among other things, there arises the question of why so many people do believe in religions and a rather smaller number of people find it difficult or impossible to accept religious tenets. This seems to be a neurological problem, even a psychiatric one. What is the answer?
The preceding book in this series, ‘The Unreasonable Silence of the World’ provided one interpretation of the available evidence in relation to the unique survival of Homo sapiens out of a wide variety of hominid forms following our departure from the primate line approximately seven million years ago. The remarkable invention of mythologies occurred about 100,000 years ago, dominated human belief and social systems until the present day, and was probably mainly responsible for that unique survival. Mythology achieved this dominance by creating a reality that relegated the real world to second place. ‘Culture: The Great Escape’ explores this departure - the escape - as it affects the modern world and considers how it is that science is often thought to be reducing these traditional avenues of escape.
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Corona Virus: Is There a Word from the Lord?
The current pandemic (Covid-19) has left many wondering: ‘is there a word from the LORD?’
The Psalms deal with features of everyday life from pain and suffering, fear and failure, through to victorious success and prosperity. Understanding the Bible, especially Psalm 119, is essential to making sense of living in the aftermath of the Corona Virus. This alphabetical Psalm deals with the blessing known by following after God’s ways, recognising the temporal world and reflecting upon eternity. Its central message points to the promised Messiah – The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the fulfilment of the Psalm and urges all mankind to wholly trust in Him for salvation.
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Christian Experiences & Spiritual Growth
Christian Experiences & Spiritual Growth addresses the search for satisfaction with heart and soul happiness. God and being a Christian are seen as its sources. The book defines who is a Christian and how to become one. It dodges none of the trials and temptations in the Christian life but explains how that God as Father, Jesus as Saviour and the Holy Spirit as Guide, Teacher and Comforter, constantly help towards victory, growth, and maturity. Prayer, reading and obeying God’s Word have a pivotal role in the experiences of satisfaction and happiness and the truth that every Christian has a home in heaven is cheering.
Readers will gain spiritual knowledge and be able to correct erroneous practice as they read through the book with the Bible alongside, paying attention to the scriptural references on subject areas, put suggestions into practice appropriately and grow spiritually. Reading the book over many sittings will be more profitable than attempting to rush through it. I have employed an explanatory strategy for ease of understanding. For example, I have explained the meaning of some words, phrases, and terms in the body of the book and set out comparative tables to illustrate narratives in the text. These can be used for quick references and reminders.
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Choose Life
Choose Life is a remarkable book about God’s glory and grace that culminates to a crescendo that is vividly expressed in Ephesians 3:
Are you ready to make a choice?
- Whom do you choose?
- What is your purpose in life?
- What is your vision concerning others?
Wendy Govender provides you these stimulating, motivating and astounding messages to progress and sustain your walk and talk with Jesus. The question is: do you want to change?
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Genesis 3 in the Bible describes the events that led to man’s fall from grace and into a broken world. This scripture describes how the devil (the serpent) influenced the first instance in which man chose to disobey God. In doing so, man fell from grace and effectively gave his dominion of this Earth away to the devil.
We make many choices daily; we do not, however, consider the implications of these choices. Just as the devil influenced man’s first wrong choice in Eden, he continues today to orchestrate events in each of our lives intending to push us further away from God and closer to eternal damnation.
This is a tale of an individual who learnt through grace the implications of his choices and received an opportunity to turn away from certain death.
“The good shepherd will always seek after a lost sheep.”
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Blue Baby
Where is God when calamity comes? If God is all powerful why does He allow our loved ones to suffer? When wading through hopelessness, these questions overwhelm many of us. This is the account of my own wrestling with similar agonies of the soul when I was told that my child was dying.
Jacob was diagnosed at the age of 1 with a severe congenital heart defect that was so complex it was deemed untreatable. In desperation I reached out to God after previously neglecting my relationship with Him. I had wandered into passivity, but God was waiting to comfort, strengthen and renew my faith.
This book documents Jacob’s journey through years of surgery, defying this prognosis. It also chronicles my struggle through perplexing seasons of pain, learning how a good God uses suffering for our growth, making us mature, fruitful followers. It is in the darkest times I have learnt to fear less and trust more, making me confident in His faithfulness. God did not answer my prayers for instant healing, but what He allowed in my life worked for my good. I try to capture the way God tenderly ministered to me during those times in order to encourage others to hold fast to Him. I hope to spur on those ready to give up, to overcome and look for the shards of light that can be found in seasons of darkness.
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Beyond Belief – Faith That Works
“If the gospel changes everything, why is there so little change in my life? Why do I struggle so much with sins that are debilitating, those that knock the wind out of me and deplete me emotionally? Where can I find hope to experience the freeing beauty of following Jesus?”
Many Christians are frustrated over the disconnect between faith and lifestyle. Beyond Belief bridges the gaping chasm between belief and behavior. In so doing it exposes the short-circuits in how we view what the gospel is and how it practically changes us.
If you are looking for a faith that works, especially in daily living, Beyond Belief is for you. As you apply the principles in Beyond Belief those around you will notice the change. And so will you.
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Apocalypse Dawn
Revelation, the culminating book of the Bible has inspired, intrigued, or just plain puzzled readers for almost 2,000 years. It remains enigmatic to many. However, once his intricate codes are cracked open, St John unveils its inexhaustible treasures to the inquiring mind–be it that of a theologian or an unlettered observer.
The book is not really a compendium of conundrums at all. It was not written in order to remain within a folded scroll on a hidden shelf. It was meant to be read and understood, to be absorbed, shared and declared, for it offers God’s answer to the perplexities encountered by humankind be they endemic to the 1st, 21st, or any century in between.
Revelation–The Apocalypse–is exactly what its title intends it to be: it is a revelation, a peeling back of the mystery to disclose God’s great and eternal plan of redemption. This is, actually, the subject matter of the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and the news, ultimately, is good.
Apocalypse Dawn is written to endorse the validity of God’s word for every age–yesterday, today and, tomorrow.
You are invited to lift the veil: discover the ultimate Revelation!
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A Singular Triumph – Jesus Crucified and Risen
In an age when the foundational truths of Christianity are being questioned, this book explains, with warmth and clarity, the eternal work of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It also discusses humanity’s vital need of it, and its relevance to the present generation.
Borne out of a lifetime’s study and ministry, Tony Rees makes complex theology compelling and accessible. Persuasive and gripping, this incredible work of redemption is unravelled through the pages of the Old and New Testaments, bringing fresh insights and challenges to the fore. It also provides a great source for anyone wanting to engage with the core doctrines of the Christian faith.
Whether you are a theology student or lay person, this book will bring you to a fuller appreciation of the work of the cross – its promise of total forgiveness, belonging, acceptance and identity, alongside the radical call to commitment. And equally, on the resurrection, with its promise of power to live a new life now, alongside the eternal hope of life beyond the grave in a world redeemed into the fullness of God Himself.
The truths around the story of God’s redemption of mankind are the greatest we could ever embrace. This book will inspire you with their message of hope in the death and resurrection of Christ, and give you fresh confidence to trust it today.